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Friday 3 February 2012

Sluttishly Simple: Churros

The other week I had a nap and dreamt of churros. Who doesn't? But when I woke up, I had a need for them that I couldn't shake. Sweet, tasty deep fried goodness. I was in danger of Homer Simpsoning and drooling all over the place while thinking about them. So I had to make them. I had a good look for an easy recipe and the easiest came courtesy of Thomasina Miers via her 'Mexican Food Made Simple' book and endorsed by Nigella. Queens of comfort food right there and I'm not arguing with them.

I will say that having a piping bag will make your churros a lot prettier and easier to shape than my little dumplings. I did try the "cut a hole in a sandwich bag" thing but cut the hole too big and ended up rolling them by hand before vowing to buy a piping bag. They'd also be a bit easier if you had a deep fat fryer but a pan with oil works fine. They really are easy though and tasted delicious despite my ham-fistedness!

You will need:
  • 90g caster sugar
  • 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
  • 125g plain flour
  • 125g self-raising flour
  • a good pinch of sea salt
  • 450ml boiling water
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 litre sunflower oil for frying
  • A plate with kitchen roll on to drain the churros
 Make it!
  • Mix the sugar and the cinnamon on a plate and put to one side. This is to roll your freshly fried churros in. Try not to just dip your finger in it like a sherbet dibdab.
  • Grab a mixing bowl and sift the flour and salt in together before making a well in the centre.
  • Mix the olive oil and water together before pouring into the well. Mix it all together with a fork so you get a nice, slightly sticky dough. Or, if you have a mixer with a dough hook, do this bit in there.
  • Leave the dough to rest for 10 minutes. While it's resting, get a large saucepan and fill with the sunflower oil and heat it up. It should get to around 170C or hot enough to fry a small piece of bread in less than 30 seconds.
  • Now, because you're organised and have a piping bag with a star shaped nozzle, you can put the dough in there and squeeze out lovely churro sticks directly into the oil. You can cut them to length with some scissors. Don't cut too many in at once though otherwise they'll all stick together and you'll end up with a giganto churro which may sound awesome but won't be.
  • Fry for 3-4 minutes before lifting out with a slotted spoon and drained on the kitchen roll. Then roll them in the cinnamon sugar.
  • I had mine with salted caramel sauce but you can have them with chocolate sauce or on their own or with whipped cream or whatever you fancy.


  1. I love churros so much. The stall in Greenwich Market has a contraption that puts the dulce de leche all the way down the inside of them. I don't know how, i just know that it's the best contraption in the world.

    1. It's a contraption made of magic. Sweet, tasty magic.

  2. Sound fab. Thanks for sharing the recipe!
    I'm now off to buy a piping bag with star shaped nozzle ;)

  3. they look delicious - I've never made them so I think I might attempt these over the weekend .........
    Note to self stop looking at food when hungry and it's lunch time

  4. I want a giganto churro! Oh god, these look amazing.

  5. Oh I've been waiting for this recipe ever since you tweeted about it! I'm thinking breakfast for tomorrow morning is sorted!

  6. Even better with horchata, which is fun to make too :D

  7. Made them, ate them with nutella. NOM!


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