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Tuesday 27 March 2012

Birds at Breakfast

I confess: I have never used a toast rack in my life. But then, I've never had one with a little puffin perched on the end of it. Now, it's All I Can Think About.

Puffins are in my list of top five favourite birds (flamingos, parrots, robins and vultures make up the rest). Somehow, I don't think a vulture would look as cute in this puffin breakfast range from Heal's. It might add a sense of foreboding to brekkie. But puffins are cute! They've got fat little bodies and dapper little outfits. That's really all I want from my birds.

You've got a choice of the mug (£10), or the butter dish and the toast rack at £20 each. I want the entire set. They look all lovely perched together, don't they?


  1. I love the toast rack, mainly because I imagine the puffin on the end has eaten the last piece and is looking apologetic.

    1. Yet the one on the butter dish looks like he's guarding his treasure.

    2. YES. They're adorable.


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