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Wednesday 14 March 2012

Sluttery Fantasy: Kobi Levi Bird Shoes

These shoes by Israeli designer Kobi Levi are so stunning I literally don't have any words.

These are shoes as art. Art that I want to put on my feet, NOW! Check out Kobi Levi's other work on his blog, and at the Virtual Shoe Museum. Rollercoaster shoe? Dog shoe? Yes please.

I'm going to see about winching my jaw off the ground now. Oh, sod it, here are some of his other shoes. They're too beautiful not to share. And yes - yes, that is Madonna in shoe form.

These shoes are POA - if you'd like to A, contact him at [email protected].


  1. Those shoes are actually mental. Who thinks these crazy ideas up?!

  2. Love them. Especially the mallard ones. But then, they're the prettiest ducks. If I had a list of favourite ducks, they'd be at the top.

  3. I bloody love mallards. Hence why they go at the top, even past Madonna and her little radio mics for feet.

  4. They are amazing. Agree the ducks are the best. I fear that although I would wear these, the POA would be more than my bank manager could cope with.


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