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Tuesday 1 October 2013

Design Porn: City Clips

Despite being glued to my ereader on my commute like it's got magical powers, I've still got a mountain of paperbacks that I'm working through. I'm happy to read anything at the moment as long as it's got a decent plot - it doesn't matter if it's on paper or screen. But I'm still (gasp) folding the corner of my pages down or using a Travelcard as a bookmark.

What I would like to be using instead are these City Clips by Another Studio. They remind me a little of Heather Alstead's fairy tale bookmarks.

The clips are created to a 1:5000 scale from four London landmarks - Battersea Power Station, The London Eye, The Gherkin and The Shard. I'm guessing more cities and landmarks will follow - if Aimee's Monumini kits are anything to go by. Her new Pompidou model is a thing of beauty (you'll have to imagine the brilliant view yourself).

You can buy a set of City Clips directly from Another Studio for £6.25. Just a word of warning: don't put The Shard in your bag and forget about it when you dive in to get your latest read, it looks like it'll be stabby and you'll bleed all over your commute. Leave that one to mark the hardback on your bedside table.


  1. These look fab would make good stocking fillers I think

    1. They really would. They'd make a simple "bought you a book" present and turn it into something lovely.

  2. a bit 'stabby', my new favourite adjective

  3. The Shard looks stabbier than Mr Pointy! Like Sian said, they would be fabulous to elevate a book into a really special present. And maybe harder to lose than a card bookmark? (She says hopefully.)


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