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Tuesday 8 October 2013

Design Porn: The iKettle

I am definitely not a morning person. I never have been. I will happily stay up late, writing or watching an entire series of The West Wing reading books, but getting up early? No thank you. But it's definitely a lot easier with a cup of tea at the ready and that's where the iKettle comes in.

It's the world's first wifi kettle and it can be controlled from anywhere in your home with your phone. You can even set your kettle to your alarm clock so when you wake up. And you can put the kettle on the second you walk through the door. Maybe even before you've found your keys.

And if you decide you're going to have a little bit of a snooze (look, it's still snoozing, even if you do it for an hour), you can keep your water warm. No, not very eco-friendly but have you ever had a conversation with me before I've had a cup of tea?

I bribe myself with tea when I'm working from home. "Come on, Sian. Finish this feature and you can have a cup of tea." (I'm doing this right now.) I'm definitely on board with a wifi kettle, filing it firmly in the 'things no one needs but that's not the point' category. They're £99 and available to preorder on Firebox, to be shipped in the next couple of weeks. Until then, I'm stuck with getting up and walking all the way to the kitchen to put the kettle on. Urgh, life's so hard.


  1. Surely you still need to fill it with water yourself?

  2. Disappearing up the proverbial arsehole now!

    1. And yet this comment has so much more to say.


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