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Thursday 10 June 2010

Cocktail Hour: Paloma

After a chat with the wonderful chaps at Benito's Hat in London, I've learnt that Mexican cocktails don't start and end with the margarita (although that's a very good starting place indeed). This paloma cocktail is very similar, but you need a special ingredient. Grapefruit soda isn't something you're going to find in your local corner shop, but apparently after some extensive searching, you can buy the popular Ting brand in Tesco. Of course, you could play about with grapefruit juice and lemonade, we won't tell anyone...

You'll need:
  • 50ml tequila (the good stuff)
  • 250ml grapefruit soda
  • Juice of one lime
  • Ice
  • Salt
Shake it!

Run a lime wedge around the rim of a Collins glass and salt. Fill with ice and add the lime juice and tequila. Top with the grapfruit soda and sing songs about tequlia and how it makes you happy.

Flickr image from cmowilson's photostream.


  1. I tell you that sounds like a damn good cocktail, I'll be trying it out ASAP!

  2. If you live in the states, look for Jarritos brand Toronja soda (naturally flavored grapefruit soda). I'm having a Paloma right now, and it's light and delicious!


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