Sleep. Sometimes there's absolutely nothing better than a good night's kip. Mugs of cocoa, lavender oil and no cheese before bedtime are all well-known tips to help you gently slip into the land of nod. I'd like to add these sleepyhead pillows to that list.
Almost guaranteed to give you sweet dreams, they're gingham pillowcases, each embroidered with the outline of two heads, one of a human and one of either a teddy or a bunny. If you've got any doubt about what to do with the pillow, there's a line running across the top of the case that reads 'Instructions: place heads inside dotted lines for best results'. And, simple as that, you've got the perfect recipe for a good night's rest.
Yes, I know they're probably for kids and if you're of a more mature nature it may have been a long time since you went to bed with a cuddly toy. In that case why not dress your partner in a pair of these and, to quote a bit of Elvis, let them be your loving teddy bear? They'll look pretty cute. But hopefully not too cute. Otherwise you'll defeat the point of the pillows and you certainly won't be getting any sleep.
The pillowcases cost £15 each from Lapin and Me.
Oh, those are just adorable! I love anything that celebrates the sanctity of sleep, tbh...