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Tuesday 10 August 2010

Cute or Creepy? Yellow Owl Tights For Sore Eyes

Coloured tights were invented for English weather. There's nothing so cheery as sporting yellow, blue or red legs in the drizzle.

I love coloured tights, and I love owl illustrations but are these Yellow Owl Tights For Sore Eyes a little bit much?

What do you think? Would they cheer you up on a dog day, or do they look like an elaborate graze that also resembles a woodland creature?


  1. I adore them! But then again I love anything with owls on it. Shame they're yellow though - somehow I doubt that would be the best shade to complemtn my big fat Northern legs.

  2. 'complemtn'? Jesus, my typing fingers appear to have gone on strike today. I meant complement of course!

  3. Well I quite like her shoes...

  4. Goodness. They are quite... yellow...

    As a tall bird (haha, sorry) I suspect if I was to wear them they would turn into crazy elongated knee patches. Which I'm not sure is a good look...

  5. I am in love with these!! I don't know if my oh-so-predictable owl fetish is marring my judgement though... But I want them in my life.

  6. Creepy. Would be less creepy if the owls were on your calves, perhaps, but I reckon small children would still hide from you.

  7. Total hosiery porn! Love it, but you ladies know how much I love my tights! They're like Les Queues de Sardines but much cheaper!

  8. Love them! I could do an ace evil Big Bird impression at halloween!

  9. Oooh no. Knees should not have eyes: it's all wrong.

  10. *giggle* Like a surreal horror film: "the knees have eyes..."

  11. I love these tights and the illustrations are really cute as well. Yellow is bright yes- but if you've got good legs then why the hell not!?

  12. You know that Doctor Who episode with the scary gas-mask faced people? It's all I can think of when I look at those owls. All I can think of. Shudder.

  13. these are truly the most hideous sick-making things i've ever seen.


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