Oh, be still my beating heart. For one of my most ridiculous yet rapturous daydreams involves being in an American diner, snapping gum and whizzing round on rollerskates, slurping ice-cream milkshakes and wearing some sort of diner dress and frilly pinny. And now, thanks to this
Diner-style phone from
I Want One of Those, I'm one step closer to recreating that fantasy at home.
Mount it to a wall in a hall or kitchen, practise a New York gangster accent, and revel in the fact that despite the phone being kitted out with replica features like instructions, a coin slot and an old-skool rotary dial, it actually works just like any other phone. It's £59.99, but I reckon you'd make that back in no time if you started charging for cheeseburgers.
You could play Bugsy Malone!!