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Monday 23 August 2010

Wibble, Wobble: Jelly Moulds for Every Occasion

You might have worked out by now that we love a bit of wibbling, wobbling jelly-based action. Whether we're infatuated with jellymonger geniuses Bompas & Parr, lampshades made from jelly moulds or making our own jelly in moulds shaped like rabbits, we just can't get enough. So here's a round-up of my favourite moulds for making your own jelly masterpieces. This Zeal mouse mould, for example, is cute, quirky, made from silicone so it'll be easy to clean and only costs £2.75.

If you like the idea of a jelly mould menagerie, you could get the matching cat, and have comedy cartoon-style showdowns all over the kitchen for only £2.99.

This fairytale castle from Nordic Ware is actually a cake pan, but they reckon it will work just as well for jellies too. It's £29.95, made from non-stick aluminium for minimum mess.

Simarly, this jelly mould village is also by Nordic Ware, and can be used for cakes or mousses as well as jelly creations. It's £34.95.

And if all those other options are too whimsical and elaborate for you, then why not just embrace your juvenile side with a novelty pair of cheeky but delicious wobbling jelly breasts? They're £4.99. All from Amazon.


  1. The wee village would be lovely for Christmas!

  2. It's Breast Cancer Awareness month in October... Hmmm, I feel a plan coming on

  3. Those are all very cute, but nothing quite beats the Zombie Brain Jelly Mould.
    Unfortunately not sold anymore- luckily I already have one :-)

    PS Amazon have a heart and brain set for fellow fans of gross jelly.

  4. Thanks for the comments, everyone, love the zombie brain mould - ideal for Halloween!

  5. Bompas and Parr's PR guy/girl is doing well for them today - I listened to a piece all about jelly and featuring them on Radio 4 this afternoon (probably The Food Programme)

  6. They do a lot of it themselves - they're lovely chaps. We'd probably deem them Honourary Boy Sluts :-)


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