It’s not clear exactly when or why people started thinking that being a freelance writer was a glamorous vocation, but I blame Carrie Bradshaw. Most freelance writers wear sweatpants and slippers, and stay up all night eating toast while trying to write something that they don’t completely hate. You are more likely to see me with unbrushed hair and crumbs on my cheek than sitting in a cocktail bar in a Prada dress. That’s right folks - there are no wardrobes full of designer shoes, or long days spent lunching and shopping with girlfriends. (Although hey, a girl can dream.)
In fact, as a freelance writer I spend more hours with one particular friend than any other. My
laptop, Bluey. (Yes, it’s blue. Don’t laugh.) In fact, I spend so much time at my desk with my laptop that instead of trawling shops for shoes and handbags, I have started lusting after mousepads and laptop cases. Forget jewellery, it’s all about pretty laptop accessories for me. I’m looking for lovely things to make my working space more desirable. (Having nice things around me will make me write better, see?)

Such as this laptop case from Dennis and McGregor that LOOKS LIKE A BOOK. A writer couldn’t ask for a more inspirational laptop case! Admittedly, it’s designed specifically for Macbooks, but I bet I could stuff my Dell laptop in there if I really, really tried…
I also discovered Mousenvy via Twitter some months ago, and ever since have been daydreaming about the day I can stop using the frustrating track pad on my laptop and buy the OH SO STYLISH monochrome mouse at the top of the post. For US$19.99 it’s a steal, and they even ship to the UK, bless ‘em.

During moments of inspiration (usually at 3am) I need to put my earphones in. Good for blocking out distracting noise, and even better for listening to Eye Of The Tiger on full blast. I can’t help but love these skull earbuds from Urban Outfitters. At £15, it’s a little bling without the massive pricetag. See? You don’t need a made-up Carrie Bradshaw lifestyle to surround yourself with fabulousness.
Although if I really WAS Carrie Bradshaw, I’d buy this Alexander McQueen laptop case, at £250.
But I’m not.
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