So, it might seem like it's a little early in the year to be eyeing up knitwear and other winter woollens. August isn't over yet, there's barbecues and festivals and other summery merriment taking place whenever it's sunny for more than five minutes. But with this British weather being what it is, I've been wearing my scarf to work most days the past couple of weeks (albeit with a cardigan rather than a coat), so to me that's justification enough for coveting another one. And this crime scene scarf, from Totally Funky looks cosy indeed.
It's just under five feet long (so not much shorter than little old me), so you'll be able to wrap it round several times to keep out the cold, and it's so bright that no-one (not even the police) will miss you on a dark night. Perfect for CSI fans, it's brand new and only £9.99. Sadly does not come with a hunky policeman in uniform.
It's just under five feet long (so not much shorter than little old me), so you'll be able to wrap it round several times to keep out the cold, and it's so bright that no-one (not even the police) will miss you on a dark night. Perfect for CSI fans, it's brand new and only £9.99. Sadly does not come with a hunky policeman in uniform.
I made one of these from the pattern in Craft magazine back in 2007! It was a Christmas present for my sister (a police officer), and here's a slightly terrible photo of it: http://www.flickr.com/photos/25816303@N06/2521103810/in/set-72157605241165478
ReplyDeleteKate, that's made me so happy!