I do love a Tunnock's Teacake. They're an easily forgotten treat, and if you're anything like me you'll only pick them up at Christmas. Or if they're carefully positioned by the counter as they're going out of date. Then you're forced to eat them all in one weekend, oh dear. Mmmm... gooey marshmallow.
This Tunnock's-inspired tea towel is by Gillian Kyle. It's so very wonderful. Perfectly nostalgic, bright and fun and a bargain price of £6.50 too. Cheaps! Everything you want from a tea towel really. Drying dishes is very much the last thing on my mind when the tea towel is this pretty, but I'm pretty sure it'll do that too.
Gillian's teacake designs are brilliant. We're expecting them to be very popular at ScotFest next month - www.scotfest.co.uk for those looking for more details...