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Wednesday 27 June 2012

Llama Baked Bites

If you want to get my attention, apparently all you have to do is send me an email offering samples of Llama Baked Bites. I think my response was along the lines of "OH HELL YES". I'm nothing if not professional.

I crossed my fingers that these llama treats would be tasty, because nothing would make me more sad than llama biscuits that I didn't want to eat. They come in three savoury flavours - cheese (making a salty mess of my keyboard, above), sweet chilli and BBQ. Usually I hate things that taste of BBQ sauce, but I even like that flavour. The chilli ones actually had more of a kick than I was expecting and it looks like the chilli is baked into them rather than just sprinkled flavouring. The cheese ones taste... well, cheesy. A little like those goldfish crackers you can buy, but llama shaped. Everything is better llama shaped.

This is a llama at Mudchute City Farm in South London. You can't eat him, but I did discover that his latin name is Llama Glama, which makes llamas ten times more amazing llamazing. It's their glam fluttery eyelashes - you've gotta love an animal that rocks the falsies.

Llama snacks are now roaming out and about in the wild and you can find them hiding in Tesco supermarkets, (admittedly an unexpected habitat for them) for just £1.69 a 150g bag. There are probably a hundred thousand llamas in each bag (approx) and they also make very excellent desk toys until you bite their heads off.


  1. Look at them on your keyboard! They're trying to type "llama"! Awww.

    1. They typed half of this article.

      Then I ate them.

    2. That's one way to avoid paying your writers, I guess.

  2. Didn't think I could love Llama's anymore than I already do. Need to get some of these in my life...

    1. Tesco are totally taking all of my money now. Asda has no llama biscuits.

  3. I saw these advertised and wondered if they would taste as good as they looked but figured I would buy at least one packet anyway as they were llama shaped.

    Now I will definitely be picking up a packet.


    Llama's are taking over the world.... and I want to know what mascara they use...

  5. These look so cool, am definitely going to check out my local tesco for some! x


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