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Wednesday 20 June 2012

Skyline glasses by Rockett St George

I don't get to travel much these days but I have super fond memories of places I've been to and love planning future travels for when time and money allow.

In the meantime, I will quite happily dream of travels whilst supping from one of these skyline glasses by Rockett St George. The line drawings are simple but lovely. They evoke enough without being over fussy.The set of four features London, Paris, New York and San Francisco. New York vies with London for the title of being My Favourite City on a fairly regular basis in my mind. (I’ve not been to New York for too many years.) I love how they’ve given Paris a skyline too when in reality, it doesn’t really have one as such. I've never been to San Francisco but it's on my list of places to go. That can inspire while the rest can provoke happy reminisces.

The set costs £34 and is limited edition but cheaper than a plane ticket.

1 comment:

  1. I got a set of these for my best mate a couple of years ago. He loves them because they're so stylishly simple plus although he likes the idea of travelling to these places he hates the act of travelling itself so he can just pretend he's going places with these.


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