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Thursday 21 June 2012

Sluttery by Tricycle: Flowers For The Weekend

"Social Conditioning and Its Effects on Stereotyped Genders Roles During Infancy": Delphinium, campanula, santini
You heard! Sluttery by Post just got even more niche, ultra-local and eco-friendly. The lazy faction of the Sluttieres (ie: 90 per cent of us) are big fans of getting goodies in the mail, but we had to applaud Andrew, of south London's Flowers For The Weekend, who cuts the middleman altogether and delivers his flowers by hand. Or rather, tricycle.

Every Thursday between 6 and 8pm, Andrew and his tricycle take flowers to houses in Vauxhall, Nine Elms, South Lambeth and Stockwell. You can buy them on a weekly or fortnightly basis for £15 a delivery, and all his flowers come from the local (and fabulous) New Covent Garden market.

They also have amazing names. And as you know, we bloody *love* funny names.

This week's collection, "We've been expecting you Mr Assange" is inspired by a certain news story, and is a vivid bouquet of flowers from Ecuador: some have bananas, some bird of paradise flowers.

May 31st's selection: The Dame Judi Riots
You can find Flowers for the Weekend on Facebook, where you can giggle over some of the beautiful arrangements that Andrew has put together this year, and if you know someone local who might like a lovely bouquet, head on over to the website.


  1. "We've been expecting you Mr Assange" is comic genius. I don't really buy flowers because of stupid hayfever, but I'd by that bunch on the name alone.

  2. I know! Completely in love.

  3. I wish he'd been about when I lived in Vauxhall!


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