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Monday 28 January 2013

Qualy's Seasonal Seasoning Shakers

I have long been a fan of Qualy's cutesomely creative homewares. From their clever log & squirrel plant pot to the adorable sparrow key house, I want EVERYTHING they make. And, oh my days, how I want these Animal Parade seasoning shakers. Let's admire them up close, shall we?

Oh yes. YES PLEASE. Those of you who've woken up properly will have noticed that each animal housed within the shakers represents a different season (I gave you a massive clue by using the word 'seasonal' in the title of this post. Keep up). Here's the spring bunny and the summer camel...

... and the autumn stag and winter polar bear. Now, of course you can put whatever seasoning you like in these, but it seems only right to play along with the seasonal theme, non? Obviously, the rabbit needs a little greenery, so use this one for a dried herb like parsley or oregano. The camel needs ground pepper sand, while the stag wants to frolic in piles of crunchy autumn leaves chilli flakes. And that polar bear won't survive outwith his natural salty habitat. 

Cute animals not floating your boat? How about some plant life instead? The Four Seasons shakers represent the, um, four seasons with trees (and a cactus). Previous herb and spice pairings apply, natch. 

Do you love these condimental snow globes as much as I do? If so, they're £29.95 a set from Cubic, where you can check out lots of other Qualy wares, and then buy some for me as a token of your eternal appreciation and love.


  1. Owwww right in the budget! *adds to list of things to order PRONTO*

  2. Insanely cool. I was expecting a massive price tag too, so £29.95 pretty much seals the deal for me!

    1. I didn't realise it was for the set. That's even better!


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