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Monday 14 January 2013

Shop in the Spotlight: Magpie

I am drawn to shiny things and hoard trinkets, so it was inevitable that I'd be drawn to a shop called Magpie. They're a rather excellent design studio showcasing homewares that manage to be comforting and quirky and eminently desirable.

Wildlife cake tins, £25

Some of my esteemed colleagues might have turned their backs on twee accessories, but I am twee4life. I've got it tattooed across my knuckles, by which I mean crayoned across my mittens. These wildlife cake tins are £25 for three, and I guarantee you'll make more big cakes if you know an otter will be taking care of them.

London Eye mug, £8.50
At £8.50, this London Eye mug is significantly cheaper than a trip on the actual London Eye. Although if you do fancy a ride on it, I'd recommend doing so one evening after several glasses of mulled wine, when you will find yourself pressed up against the glass trying to hug London, saying "I LOVE this city! Why would anyone live ANYWHERE ELSE?" and weeping gently.

Three suitcases, £20
I'll be honest, I have no idea what I'd do with three small suitcases, but I'm convinced they're the answer to my disorganisation. Magpie suggests they're "a versatile addition to the china cupboard" but I don't own any (a) china or (b) cupboards.

Colin mug, £8.50
It's Colin from Spaced! On a mug! If you don't know what I'm talking about, I feel bad for you, son. Get thee to 4OD and watch Spaced right now, because it is the best sitcom EVER. Oh, let's just all sack off work and go and watch Spaced, shall we?

Robin cushion, £20
This robin cushion has a lovely Ladybird book vibe to it. Nothing could go wrong if you were sitting on your robin cushion, except maybe Topsy and Tim falling down a well or the Gingerbread Man dropping by unexpectedly.

Go and have a browse, the Magpie website's beautiful - and if you need any more incentive to buy, 15% of your order goes to Cats Protection. You're basically saving neglected cats by buying mugs. You're a hero.


  1. Oh, cake tins, my weakness. I'm being converted to the twee side.

    1. My weakness too. Come, join us, you're safe here *makes you a daisy chain*

  2. Oh, I am so with you on the pro-twee front. We can all benefit from a little more whimsy and it doesn't get more whimsical than wildlife side plates. I think I just swooned.

    1. Imagine eating a fairy cake with a tiny spoon off a plate adorned with an owl. While listening to Belle and Sebastian. JUST IMAGINE.

  3. 'Crayoned across my mittens' - Brilliant. #twee4life indeed.

    1. I might write it across my face, like Prince at the Brit Awards that time.


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