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Friday 23 August 2013

3D Spaceship Cookie Cutters

This 3D cookie cutter thing is threatening to take over my kitchen. First it was the dinosaurs...

Then came the safari animals...

Now those awesome folk at SUCK UK have created spaceship cookie cutters, complete with little space men and stars. Obviously.

He's the best spaceman, because if he gets stranded a la Armageddon, he'll be faced with a whole edible spaceship dilemma. Bruce Willis didn't get that option.


There's going to be a space war in my kitchen. The territory at stake is the leftover chilli con carne. Aaaaaand FIGHT!

Important pre-baking action shot.

Look how many pieces you get! Use our gingerbread recipe for the pieces, it doesn't expand much during cooking so your spaceshapes should be perfect for your spaceships.

As ever with SUCK UK cookie cutters, they're £7.50 and you'll get a random pack. If you order two packs, they'll be different. But typically, in about two weeks you'll be able to order from Firebox and choose with set you want. Obviously 'all of them' is the answer. I fully expect you to be having a dinosaur/giraffe/spaceman war throughout next week.


  1. Guess what I just bought my boyfriend (mostly me) for our anniversary!! Even better news, they'll be here tomorrow too, but Suck UK website said the space ones were unavailable. Next time, next time.

    1. They sell out pretty quickly! And these are a new edition, I think, so may not have been released yet.

  2. Love these 3D cookies! I can picture creating an edible version of Button Moon before devouring them all!

    Angela xx
    Little Apple Tree


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