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Tuesday 13 August 2013

Get Oeuf: Knitted Wonders

Tuesday has got to be the worst day of the week: you haven't even got catching up on chat about your weekend to make it that bit more exciting. If ever there were a day to be spent looking at whimsical woollen creations, Tuesday would be it.

The fun level of this Tuesday has shot up with the discovery of Oeuf, a new company in stock at Couverture & the Garbstore. Oeuf are cracking stuff. They're New York based and do that kids/homewares knitted fancies kind of thing that Donna Wilson does so well.

They're less folklore-style woodland bears and foxes (though there are some of those if you hold on tight) and slightly more pop culture than Wilson, however. Ever wanted your own knitted 40cm high Empire State Building? Yes. Ever wanted your own knitted Empire State Building complete with King Kong and distressed maiden? Of course you have! Oeuf have make your dreams a reality. This is available for £65.

So, yeah, it's not cheap. But everything is immensely pleasurable. This Yoda hat definitely fits into the awesome auntie gift category, and can be bought to fit kids of up to 2 years old. It's made from Alpaca wool, with all the modifications and qualifications to make them suitable for kids you'd expect from a company making gifts for the kids of New York parents. It's priced at £39.

Here's the fox I mentioned earlier, in the form of a rather fabulous fox mask and tail set - fun for all the family. You can get wolf, skunk, cheetah or dog designs too, all for £45 each. It's much much much too early for me to show you the Santa beard, which is a shame because it's really rather wonderful. Remind me in three months.

This cloud pillow is rather marvellous isn't it? And, at £55, I think it's definitely one for the adults rather than the kiddiwinks. Flip it over and the embroidery on the other side shows the cloud taking 40 winks. All together now: awww.

And, if your sofa is in need of some more fancy, this rainbow pillow is a pretty fancy £55. At least it should help point the way to all that gold buried down the ends of your sofa. When you dig it out, be sure to spend it all on presents from Oeuf.

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