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Thursday 15 August 2013

Platers Gonna Plate: Gourmet Grammarian Dishes

I met @peachesanscream, one of my Twitter spirit animals last week. We'd met before briefly, but this time I was so excited I sounded like a hysterical idiot. Every now and then she will send me something amazing to look at, as is the case with this UTTERLY phenomenal gourmet grammarian plate set.

The set costs $49.50 from Mod Cloth, an extremely UK-friendly site who offer shipping from $4 (you can estimate it once you've got something in your basket) and a 60-day returns window in case you buy something and hate it.

But ain't nobody gonna hate these.

You did a good job, Mod Cloth!

They leave Metallica's Enter Sadman lyrics well alone in this "To lie or to lay?" plate. Sensible. You don't mess with Metallica.

There is a musical number in which one of the singers corrects the other one for saying either "you and me" or "you and I" and it pains me that I can't remember where it's from. Enlighten me, please.

This is like a far more succinct version of The Oatmeal's apostrophe cartoon (which I also love). Grammar is a beautiful thing, chaps. And when it's laid out on plates like this, it's even more so.

1 comment:

  1. The Apostrophe Song:


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