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Thursday 10 January 2013

Sluttishly Sweet: Lime Posset

Posset is perhaps the greatest dessert in the world. It's so simple, you can knock this up in an advert break and it'll be set half an hour later. Lemon posset might be more traditional but this time I decided to go for a lime variation instead. It's much sharper and tastes brilliant with any kind of chocolate. You could use clementines for something a little lighter, or even go for a mix of citrus fruits.

Do use chocolate biscuits as a substitute for a spoon.

Lime Posset (serves four)
You'll need:
  • 300ml double cream
  • 110g sugar
  • The zest and juice of two limes (unless you went to Tesco and your limes are unbelievably tiny, in which case you might need three. SORT IT OUT, TESCO)
Make it!
  1. Heat the cream in a saucepan and add the sugar.
  2. Stir like a mad thing until the sugar has dissolved. Keeping stirring until the mixture is heated through but not boiling.
  3. Take off the heat, add the lime juice and zest. Stir and let cool for a little while.
  4. Pour the mixture evenly into four ramekins, nice champagne glasses, teacups, whatever takes your fancy. Or just eat it a with a spoon while it's hot. That's PERFECTLY ACCEPTABLE.
  5. Pop in the fridge for around 30 minutes to an hour. Pretend it took hours to make. Serve with chocolate shortbread fingers for dipping.

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