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Wednesday 7 September 2011

All aboard the eggs-express

If you thought Takae Mizutani and Son's castle and horse egg cup set was the most fun you could have in a morning, then I'm going to come and ride all over that idea. Like a game of breakfast top trumps, what could possibly overpower a pony carrying the brekkie? Wheels, it's got to be something with wheels. If you're able to cope with that much excitement that early in the morning, take a look at Reiko Kaneko's Breakfast Express.

Reiko Kaneko does quirky eating very well (remember the fab crowd glasses?), and here she's realised that meals on wheels beat meals on plates hands down. The Breakfast Express is a bone china train with three carriages made to carry you the perfect egg and soldiers: one to carry your egg, one for your soldiers and a third carriage for the seasonings of your choice. The carriages are magnetically linked, and those little wheels actually work, so you can push and pull this around your table as much as you'd like. Just hide it well out of sight from anyone who told you never to play with your food.

The only thing that isn't fun about this design? As often happens in this cruel world, it's the price. You can buy it for £60 from SCP. Pricey, yes, but if you like to crack a smile in a morning as well as an egg, this could offer an egg-cellent investment.


  1. Salt and pepper carriage at the end? Oh it's brilliant.

  2. looks cool but £60? what a rip off


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