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Monday 5 November 2012

Sluttery by Post: Stack Magazines

I am a magazine editor by day, so it figures that I love magazines. And I do. I really do. Even though it probably seems like a bit of a busman's holiday for me, I've never lost that SQUEEEE feeling I get when I sit down with a crisp new magazine to devour. The smell! The texture of the pages! The way you can nudge your opened magazine under your plate when you're eating dinner in bed, so that you can read and eat in comfort! MOVE OVER, iPAD.


I fell out of love with mainstream women's glossies a long time ago. They rarely offer me anything new, and I'm immune (almost) to the lure of covermounts. Nowadays, I prefer to fork out a couple of extra quid for an independent magazine that will give me lots to read, make me think, and look ever-so-pretty while it's doing it.

Here at Domestic Sluttery, we love getting surprises in the post (gold stars go to Domestic Sluttery & Howkapow Go Postal, our very own secret gift subscription service, which all right-thinking Sluts have no doubt signed up for already *meaningful look*). Stack's monthly mystery magazine deliveries are, therefore, the stuff of my dreams. Indie magazines + surprises + post + discovering new things = Very Happy Laura B.

You can have a nosey at the magazines included in Stack's subscription service, but you'll only find out which one you're getting each month when it hits your doormat. Some I've seen before, like Sluttery favourite Wrap Magazine; others, like Address, are completely new to me. UNDISCOVERED MAGAZINE EXCITEMENT KLAXON. 

So, what if you already have a separate subscription to one of Stack's featured magazines? Never fear! I subscribe to Oh Comely (OF COURSE I DO. It's basically me in magazine form), but Stack gives you the option at checkout to tell them which (if any) magazines you already get/don't fancy receiving. Problem solved, before it even became a problem. Gosh, this is easy!

The grown-ups in your house won't be the only ones to benefit from your Stack subscription - you might even receive the odd children's magazine, too. Anorak is so lovely, though, that you'll probably want to keep it for yourself. 

A 12-month subscription to Stack is £66 by Direct Debit. You know you want one. (Also: a very good present. But you can't be give, give, give all the time, can you? You deserve a treat, don't you? It's been a long year. Go on. Scram.)


  1. I get the feeling I signed up to Stack at the wrong time. It was as soon as it started and most of the magazines I got were music mags which I only had a passing interest in. Because of that, I didn't renew my subscription, but now it looks like they've got lots more exciting stuff - definitely a sign that the indy magazine industry is growing!

    1. I think you're right - I held off signing up at first, because I thought I just wouldn't be interested in a lot of the stuff on offer. Now they seem to have more design-based mags and some fashiony and foodie ones, too - I'm tempted to give it a go!

    2. I'm seeking out Frankie magazine next, I heard good things about it from Sarah D:


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