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Thursday 1 November 2012

The Little Knit Company

I wish I was better at crafts, but I get bored easily. I'll be excited about knitting for ten minutes, realise that I've screwed up and then go back to playing video games, shoving my ball of (probably quite expensive) wool down the side of the sofa.

The Little Knit Company could totally change my mind. Because I do love a project. I can't start a project without finishing it, just can't. And when projects are owlets and black cats, I might even stop playing Zelda for a bit.*

Black cats aren't just for Hallowe'en, they're for life.

This knitted camper van looks mega complicated, but it comes with simple instructions so I'm sure I wouldn't totally bugger it up. (I might totally bugger it up.)

More owls, because they're adorable. I like the one that's winking more than any of the others.

You get everything you need to make your toys including button eyes and cute cat noses (except knitting needles, but they're sold in the shop as well) and the prices are very reasonable - they start around £15. This is the perfect present for anyone a little bit rubbish at craft. It's much better than giving them a ball of wool and leaving them to it. This way, you'll definitely get fluffy owl presents in return for your kind gesture.

*This is a LIE. Someone please take all Zelda games away from me.


  1. Those owls and black knits are sooo cute *want*

    1. They're so cute. Despite being terrible at all crafts involving yarn and paying attention, I feel like I could do these.

  2. awesome, I've recently just took up knitting and this looks like a great project, cheers!

  3. I'm dreadful at knitting -both grandmothers tried, and failed, to teach me - but I'd be willing to try again for a sleepy owl.

    1. There's not much I wouldn't do for a sleepy owl.


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