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Monday 18 February 2013

Stitching Postcards

My best friend lives on the other side of the world. New Zealand is really, really far away. Sometimes email doesn't quite cut it and I'd love to just hop on a plane and go and see him. Instead, I'm going to have to settle for a Stitching Postcard.

I like the idea of stitching little stitches on my house in London and Sam's house in Aukland. Then one where Secret Garden Party is held, after having so much fun there in 2008 and 2009. Maybe I could add a little stitch for Oslo, and the Ryanair airport about 70 miles outside of Oslo.

I'd love a little London version, but honestly can't think of a nicer gift than a little personalised map - it could be added to as well, every time you visited each other or went somewhere new. It's not quite the same as living in the same country, but it'll make your far-flung friends smile.

You can buy Stitching Postcards from nonesuchthings and Culture Label for £2.50 each.

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