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Monday 18 February 2013

Top Ten Raspberry Recipes

We have a bit of a thing about raspberries. They work in everything, because they're a little more tart than strawberries. And they freeze better. And they're cheaper. Raspberries are best friends with almonds and chocolate so combine them all together for the tastiest cakes, biscuits and puddings. Or just mix them with gin. Here are our top ten raspberry recipes.

Raspberry frangipane cake. There's no finer combination than raspberry and almond. Oh, except perhaps raspberry and chocolate...

Chocolate raspberry Slutterytorte. Our latest cake recipe might be a bastardisation of the famous sachertorte, but doesn't it look tasty?

Rose and pistachio vacherin (pictured, looking really really tasty). This is the perfect (and easy) pudding for parties.

Raspberry, honey and almond polenta cake. Taking all of the tasty ingredients and mixing them together.

Emergency raspberry ice cream. Yes, sometimes ice cream is an emergency.

The Clover Club. Sometimes cocktails are an emergency as well. You could also go for the hibiscus cooler, raspberry shrub or the frozen raspberry daiquiri.

Raspberry syrup cake. Ditch the flour for semolina to make the moistest cake in the world.

Chocolate, hazelnut and raspberry crumble. Ignore the sunshine, it's still crumble weather.

Mini Bakewell tarts. Yep, more of that almond stuff. If you were being really treaty, you could make your own raspberry jam to go in them.

Raspberry and amaretto jammy hearts. You could make these for someone you love. Or you could keep them all for yourself.

See more of our top ten recipes!

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