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Friday 24 June 2011

Dream Dress: Pins & Needles Collar Dress

Sometimes you can't say much more about a dress than: 'Ahhh...pretty'.

Unless you're me, in which case you can add: my, aren't Urban Outfitters usually a bit too pricey (this Pins & Needles Collar Dress was originally £52) and my, don't they do great sales (it's now £25)?

And isn't it the perfect mix of quintessential Brit girl style with a smidgen of the saucepot? And won't it look a bit lush with those cute/creepy Dorothy Perkins cream crochet brogues? It's like summer in a dress.


  1. I would like this dress and I would like to look like the model. Yep.

  2. @threesmallapples I bought it too! But in the purple - and it's very versatile indeed on a boiling day like today.

    @elizabeth Hell, yeah. What a fox.


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